Is FUT hair transplant obsolete?

Familiarity with the steps, costs and complications of hair transplantation by FUT method


FUT hair transplantation is one of the oldest and most effective methods among hair transplantation techniques in recent years. Despite the introduction of newer hair transplant methods, this popular method is still very popular among applicants and hair transplant doctors. In this article, we have examined FUT hair transplantation in a practical and detailed way and talked about the steps, results, advantages, disadvantages, side effects and costs of this method. If you are planning a hair transplant, we recommend reading this article.


Hair transplantation and FUT method

The FUT method is one of the techniques that doctors use to perform hair transplants. If we want to describe this treatment strategy in one sentence, we can say: hair transplant or hair transplant is the only permanent treatment for hair loss and baldness.

Why is hair transplantation the definitive treatment for hair loss?

The answer relates to the nature and cellular basis of your hair. Most people with hair loss have a specific pattern of hair loss. For example, in most men, the hair on the front and back of the head is empty. Sometimes hair loss continues and becomes empty on the scalp. At the same time, the hair on the back and around the head of almost all these gentlemen remains thick and intact.

So, some of your hair is inherently sensitive to hair loss and some are resistant to hair loss.

In FUT hair transplants or other natural hair transplants, hair loss-resistant hair is transferred from the original site to the bald spot. We do not mean hair only; We mean hair follicles, hair-forming cells and other structures that are effective in building and maintaining healthy hair. FUT hair is grown in a new location like natural hair and will last a very long time.

There are also methods called hair restoration in which instead of using natural body hair, synthetic microfibers are used that have the same appearance and color as your natural hair. These artificial hairs are fixed under the skin, in other words, they are permanent capillaries.

It should be noted that the results of FUT hair transplantation (or other natural hair transplantation methods) are much more beautiful and natural than hair restoration methods. Hair restoration also carries risks in terms of causing allergic reactions to microfibers, inflammation of skin tissue; because fibers are not made up of cells in the body and our body reacts to them.

Steps of hair transplantation by FUT method

FUT hair transplantation has three main stages: extraction of follicular units from the hair bank, preparation of grafts, and finally the stage of implantation or placement of grafts in the recipient area.


The steps we mentioned took place in the operating room and are actually the steps of hair transplantation. But before and after hair transplantation, there are steps that we have briefly explained in this section.

Before hair transplantation


Before going to the operating room, you should consult with the clinic’s specialists. In the counseling session, we must first see what is the cause of your hair loss. Is this hair loss caused by an underlying disease? Is hair loss genetic? Or hair loss has been caused by injuries and wounds. The cause of hair loss determines whether or not you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. We have talked about who and what types of hair loss are suitable for in another section of this article.

Examination of physical condition:

FUT hair transplantation is a surgical procedure. The FUT method is more invasive than other hair transplant methods, but if done by an experienced and skilled doctor, it will have very little trouble for you. However, we are dealing with a specialized medical treatment and we must ensure that this method will not be dangerous for you; Because your safety and health are more important than anything else. To do this, we will examine your medications and underlying diseases, and you will usually be prescribed a blood test, which you should do.

Hair transplant program and plan:

One of the most important steps that a specialist Saei Clinic takes before hair transplantation is to plan and plan for a hair transplant. This stage is directly related to the client’s satisfaction with the hair transplant results. The hair transplant program and plan should be determined according to your circumstances and needs. For example, your baldness may be extensive and you may not have a thick hair bank. In this case, if the surgeon removes a large number of grafts from the hair bank, that area of ​​the head will be in a very unfavorable position.


Extraction of follicular units

As mentioned before, in hair transplantation, the entire hair structure is extracted and placed in another place. Hair structures that include hair follicles, hair follicles, and appendages are called follicles or follicular units. A follicular unit is actually a microscopic plant that makes hair in the body.

In this stage of FUT hair transplantation, the doctor removes a small part of the scalp from the hair bank area, which is called the flap. The flap is a thin strip of hair bank skin that is full of hair, and we can extract follicular units from it under a microscope.

Concern 1 – Pain: Flap removal from the hair bank is done under anesthesia so you will not feel any pain. As the anesthetic wears off, you may experience mild pain that is managed with regular painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.


Concern 2 – Scar: After harvesting, the scar is delicately sutured and covered with upstream hair. So in the future, the scar on the back of the head will not be visible.

Preparation of grafts for planting

After removal of the skin flap, the operation to separate the follicular units begins. The skin flap is divided into smaller pieces and then placed under a microscope. Now you can see the details of the skin tissue and carefully extract the follicular units. The follicular units that are ready for implantation are called hair grafts.

Transplantation or implantation of grafts

In the last stage of FUT hair transplantation, the doctor makes holes of one millimeter on the scalp in the recipient area according to the hair transplantation plan determined before the start of the surgery. Each of these holes is where a graft is located. The grafting stage, unlike the graft extraction stage, is without bleeding and without the need for sutures, but it is still performed under local anesthesia and you will not have any pain.

Duration: All steps of FUT hair transplantation take between 4 to 6 hours. Of course, you will also be given a break during the operation.

After hair transplant

The stage after hair transplantation is called the recovery period. During this period, you should follow the health and care recommendations. Usually after the hair transplant, your head will not be dressed or will have a light dressing. The day after implantation, you should wash your head according to special instructions or go to the clinic for washing. Swelling and redness are the most common side effects of hair transplants, which are temporary and can be minimized with the help of solutions. After FUT hair transplant, you can not do heavy exercise for a while. Also, you should not wear a hat for the first few days and your scalp should not be exposed to direct sunlight.


Result of hair transplantation by FUT method

The result of hair transplantation depends on your needs and conditions. With the help of FUT method, more than 3500 grafts (each graft contains 2 to 3 hairs) can be transplanted in one hair transplant session.

The recovery period after surgery takes about 2 weeks, after which the symptoms of hair transplantation (such as redness and bruising) disappear.

From the end of your recovery period until the end of the second month, you may see hair loss. This should not worry you; Because it is a natural occurrence and has happened to most people who have had hair transplants. The phenomenon of implanted hair loss is due to the fact that the hair-forming follicle becomes suspicious and stops lifting the previous hair. From the beginning of the third month, a new hair begins to grow from the implanted follicle and the hair slowly sprouts.


Hair grows at an average rate of 1.5 cm per month. So we expect hair transplant results to appear at least 10 to 12 months after transplantation. Although this is a long wait, you will enjoy seeing your thick hair in the end.

Is FUT the best hair transplant method?

The FUT method is both the best method of hair transplantation and not. This method may be the best hair transplant method for some applicants; But one of the methods of hair transplantation can never be introduced as the best method. It all depends on your needs, circumstances and preferences.

To choose the best hair transplant method “for you”, a certain procedure must be followed. Your doctor will first check your hair loss status and hear what you expect from your hair transplant. It will then announce the methods that are appropriate for your situation. Ultimately, the result of your agreement with the specialist doctor will be the choice of one of the hair transplant methods.

The following is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of this method so that you can better judge the FUT method:

Advantages of the FUT method

The FUT method is one of the best methods for hair transplantation. Here are some of the benefits of this method:

  • The quality of the grafts is very high. Because graft extraction is done under a microscope unlike other hair transplant methods.
  • Grafts are less damaged because the extraction and preparation steps are faster than other hair transplants, and the follicles spend less time outside the body.
  • More than 3,500 grafts can be implanted in a 4 to 8 hours session using the FUT method.
  • There is no need to shave the donor area or hair bank.
  • The cost of FUT hair transplants is usually lower than other hair transplants. Of course, the cost of hair transplants also depends on the number of grafts and other items.


Disadvantages of the FUT method

Like other hair transplant methods, there are some disadvantages to the FUT method, the most important of which are listed below:

  • The main problem with the FUT method is that it is aggressive. In this method, skin flaps need to be removed to extract the grafts. Removal of the flap or skin strip is accompanied by incisions and bleeding, and the incision is sutured.
  • This method is not very suitable for people with underlying diseases due to scarring and bleeding. For example, in people with diabetes who have difficulty healing wounds, it is best not to use the FUT method.

Who is the FUT method suitable for?

Whether you are a good candidate for a FUT hair transplant depends on many factors, and only a hair transplant doctor can determine this with certainty. However, here is a list of people who can be a good candidate for hair transplantation in this way:


  • People who suffer from genetic (androgenic) hair loss and their hair loss status is relatively stable. If your hair loss continues actively, you will have to wait until the hair loss has stabilized. Hair loss usually stabilizes between the ages of 25 and 30; Therefore, hair transplantation is not recommended for people under 25 years old. There is usually no age limit for hair transplants in women.
  • People with baldness due to injuries or wounds. If a skin condition has caused hair loss, you should have a hair transplant after complete treatment of the skin condition. People who have permanent baldness following chemotherapy can apply for a hair transplant after completing a course of chemotherapy.
  • Your hair bank should have the right density. If you have a short hair bank, the FUT scar will appear and give your scalp a beautiful appearance.
  • If your scalp has little flexibility, you are not a good candidate for the FUT procedure.

Cost of FUT method

Under the same conditions, the cost of FUT hair transplantation is lower than other hair transplantation methods. The reason for this can be considered the higher speed and less difficulty of this hair transplant method. For information on the cost of FUT hair transplantation, you can contact the experts of Saei Clinic.

Complications of the FUT method

In general, hair transplantation is a safe and effective method. But all medical treatments can have side effects. Complications of FUT hair transplantation include:

  • Swelling and redness: Swelling and redness of the forehead and around the eyes or even bruising of these areas are common among people who have had hair transplants. In most cases, this problem resolves within a few days, but it may take up to a few weeks.
  • Pain or anesthesia: One of the complications that is almost exclusively seen in the FUT method is pain or numbness in the area of ​​the hair bank. Because an incision is made in this area to remove the flap from the hair bank, the skin nerves may be damaged. The surgeon’s high skill and small flap size are some of the things that can prevent this complication.
  • Acne and folliculitis: Inflammation of the follicles is called folliculitis, which is a rare complication of hair transplantation. Folliculitis is usually mild and can be treated with antibiotics. However, there is a possibility that the inflammation may worsen and more severe treatments may be needed.

Itching: It is a natural complication of skin healing processes. Be aware that scratching the scalp can cause grafts to separate. It can also cause infection to enter wounds that heal and cause infection

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