Eyebrow lift with thread

A new and effective treatment method for lifting and firming the face, eyebrows and relieving frown from the face is the use of this method, which causes open eyes with the back of the long eyelid and increases self-confidence. The therapeutic effect of the lift is determined after 40 days when collagen is formed around the thread. This operation is performed under anaesthesia and also has no recovery, pain and bleeding. This operation takes about 30 minutes and is suitable for people 30 to 50 years old

Eyebrow lift with thread cost in Iran

The cost of a thread lift varies according to several factors like the experience of the surgeon. The cost is also different from one country to another. In the United States, the price of thread lift is about $2,200 in average. The cost of thread lift in Iran ranges from $600 to $1,600.

Before & After